Do veneers help sensitive teeth?

Do veneers help sensitive teeth?

If you suffer from sensitive teeth then you will be familiar with tooth pain and discomfort in response to certain stimuli such as hot drinks, cold food and even the wintry air. Experiencing tooth sensitivity at some time in your life is quite normal, but some people naturally have more sensitive teeth than others, to the point where it can be difficult to eat and drink normally. If you have reached this point and want to know what might help, you may be offered the option of veneers. 

A veneer is a thin porcelain shell, designed to fit precisely over the natural tooth’s surface, after some of the enamel has been removed to ensure a snug fit. Veneers offer a durable, long lasting solution to protect the natural teeth and are so much more than just a cosmetic treatment. 

Not only can they improve the appearance of your smile, by closing gaps, evening up spaces and improving the alignment of your teeth, but veneers can also stop you from experiencing the pain of sensitive teeth.

What causes sensitive teeth?

Most tooth sensitivity is caused by the protective enamel layer of the teeth becoming worn and thin. This can be caused by excessive brushing, grinding the teeth or consuming a lot of highly acidic food and drink. With less enamel protection, the nerves in the teeth become more exposed and this is what results in the pain and discomfort associated with sensitive teeth.

How veneers can help

Veneers can eradicate the problem of sensitive teeth by covering the surface, sealing in the natural tooth behind and preventing further erosion. Though you will have to have some of the natural tooth removed in order to ensure the veneer is a good fit, any sensitivity you experience from the loss of enamel will be momentary, whilst the veneer is fitted. Once done, you should not experience sensitivity in this tooth as the stimuli such as hot and cold food will touch the surface of the veneer and not the natural tooth’s eroded surface. 

With cosmetic treatments, it is possible to have just one veneer fitted as this may be all that is needed to improve the overall aesthetic of the smile, but in the case of sensitive teeth, you may want to consider a row of veneers to reduce or eradicate your tooth discomfort.

Why it's important to look after your dental veneers

After fitting, it is important that you take care of your veneers, to protect any remaining natural tooth surfaces and prevent further wear and tear to your tooth enamel. Limiting your intake of acidic food and drink, using a soft bristled toothbrush and not brushing too hard are the three main things we advise to help reduce the likelihood of tooth sensitivity.

Veneers are a long lasting solution and can be expected to last up to 15 years so long as you continue to practise good oral care.

Contact us to find out more

If you’d like to find out more about dental veneers and how they can help with tooth sensitivity please book an appointment at our practice or ask at your next check up. Having started out as a dental laboratory, we are experts in the provision of dental treatments and offer a wide range of options to improve your smile and remove discomfort.


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