Another lovely email

This is from a very nice lady for whom we are doing some major reconstruction.   The first step was to remove 19 (yes 19) teeth.   This was done in one sitting, which the patient bore with amazing fortitude.   We feel for our patients in these situations and like to support them as much as we can.   Here is her response: "Good afternoon all  Thank you so much for the beautiful flowers that arrived today, they are stunning.
 It is very kind of you all and really cheered me up as i was having a " feel sorry for myself day today" but i am all smiles now ( well as much as my mouth will move :-) 
Thank you all so much for you kindness & support i could not of gone through Thursday without it & Tony is a great nurse, looking after me so well & recovery is going well so far.
Again thank you all for being so wonderful & my wonderful new temp teeth" 
Another feel-good day at Dentalia!

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