Dentures from the experts
In the next few weeks, many of you will find a Dentalia leaflet on your doormat. We are distributing over 35,000 leaflets in the Basingstoke area and we hope that you won’t mind this bit of junk mail.
Many people are plain unhappy about their dentures and the service provided by their dentists. Most dentists do not have the special skills needed to provide really good dentures – they just farm them out to a laboratory, often the lowest priced, and hope they work.
There are many ways to design dentures and we can offer solutions tailored to the patient’s needs. Anything from a denture repair to implant-retained teeth is possible in-house.
We have patients who have suffered for years with ill-fitting and uncomfortable dentures, embarrassed to dine out and having to limit the kids of food they can eat, in the belief that nothing better could be done for them.
Our greatest reward is when patients tell us that we have changed their lives.