How many people are unhappy with their dentist in Basingstoke?

Dentalia has almost completed delivery of 34,000 leaflets around Basingstoke. The response has been surprisingly large. It seems there are quite a few people out there who are not happy with their present Basingstoke dentist and are looking for a new dentist in Basingstoke. Some requests we are getting are real cries for help! There is also a lot of interest in our totally in-house implant service and we have other dentists from Basingstoke and the surrounding towns making enquiries about using Dentalia for implant referrals. Our open evenings on 24 October and 21 November are also generating interests. John

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Dentalia Blog

Show your smile some love with our Valentine’s teeth whitening offer 

Show your smile some love with our Valentine’s teeth whitening offer 

 It’s almost Valentine’s Day, so rekindle the romance by falling back in love with your own smile ♥️. This February we are offering you a...

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What to expect this year from our dental practice in Basingstoke

What to expect this year from our dental practice in Basingstoke

The New Year presents the perfect opportunity to reevaluate healthcare and wellbeing priorities for the coming twelve months, and this includes oral health! To help...

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