Our Blog
Up, up and away!
One of our patients is an instructor at the Portsmouth Naval Gliding Club, and he kindly offered us a gliding experience. What better way to...
Introducing Jen, our new nurse
Jen Miller, a highly experienced and qualified nurse, has joined Dentalia this month. We have known Jen for some years during her time with other...
That was a Success!
We didn’t know whether we would have 2 or 200 visitors to our first open evening, also the first by a dentist in Basingstoke. In...
Open Evenings Update
Although everyone is welcome to just drop in to our open evenings on 24 October and 21 November from 6.00 pm to 8.00 pm, a...
How many people are unhappy with their dentist in Basingstoke?
Dentalia has almost completed delivery of 34,000 leaflets around Basingstoke. The response has been surprisingly large. It seems there are quite a few people out...
Free Dental Examinations
Many of you will have received a leaflet advertising our new dental practice in Basingstoke and our open evenings on 24 October and 21 November...
Open Evenings
We’ve decided that it would be a good idea to invite prospective patients, or just people with a dental concern, to come along & have...
Basingstoke Gazette
This week, Dentalia has an article in the Basingstoke Gazette (4 Oct, page 32, Health and Beauty) trying to explain our “new concept” approach at...